How to make a tree-content for DjVuReader. (Thanks to asdfg2003) **************************************************************************** Here is a structure of a file.dsed file: select; remove-ant # ------------------------------------- select 1 set-ant (metadata # (pageindex1 "") (title1 "Booktitle") (content1 "Content #3 Preface #6 Chapter 1. Name of the chapter #13 1.1. Section 1 #13 1.2. Section 2 #16 1.6. Section 3 #32 Chapter 2. Name of the chapter #34 2.1. Section 1 #34 2.2. Section 2 #37 2.7. Section 3 #49 Cover. #400") ) . The tree level is defined with the number of the blank spaces from the line start: 1. 1.1 1.1.1 All the content is inside content1("") then: djvused.exe file.djvu -f file.dsed -s djvused.exe is available there where DVu Reader is.