DjVu Plug-in Works for Mozilla and Opera for Windows
A report by James Rile, PlanetDjVu, June 29, 2002

This report comes to you as a result of a recent discussion in the user Forum of PlanetDjVu.

The Mozilla and Opera web browsers are best known and are most widely used on the Linux and Unix operating systems.  Increasingly they are becoming popular for use in Windows as well.

The DjVu web browser plug-in for Windows, available from LizardTech, will work fine in these web browsers, even though the install program for the plug-in will not recognize these web browsers.

Here is what you need to do:

First, confirm that you have either IE or Netscape web browsers on your Windows PC. You must have at least one of these in order for the plug-in installer to work.  Now install the DjVu plug-in.

Navigate to the plug-ins folder of Netscape or IE in Windows Exloporer or another file manager, and find the file called npdjvu.dll.  This is the DjVu plug-in file.  Copy this file to the plug-ins folder of Mozilla or Opera.  That's it. Now you are set to go!

Visit the Forum of PlanetDjVu for other tips and tricks contributed by DjVu users!
DjVu Plug-in for Mozilla and Opera for Linux
The DjVu Plug-in for Linux from LizardTech will only install to Mozilla and Opera if you have the Netscape browser installed.  This is too bad because many Linux users prefer to only have Mozilla or Opera installed.
If you try the install without Netscape on your system, the plug-in installer will say:
Error:     Netscape is not running
Please start netscape normally, and then execute './install'

Use the command
     ./install --help
for a listing of options
Find:     Self info
Parse:     config files and options
Search:     For a running instance of Netscape

This is too bad.  I actually don't know if it will install to Mozilla or Opera even IF you have Netscape installed, or whether you have to do a manual file copy as you have to do in Windows.  If you have more experience with this under Linux than I do, please post your comments in the Forum.

Overall, the lack of support for the Mozilla and Opera web browsers on both operating systems is a shortcoming of the install programs, not the plug-in itself.  No one but LizardTech can fix this problem, since these plug-ins are only distributed from the LizardTech website.  If you really want to voice your opinion about this (i.e. you are an advocate of the Mozilla or Opera web-browsers), I suggest that you contact LizardTech directly.

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