JRA FirstPage 1.0
Product Code: JRAFP001
Price: $495
Rapid Manual Cleanup Editor
Virtual Document Separator
JRA FirstPage is used to enhance folders of bitonal TIFF files produced by a document scanner, in preparation for submitting these images to an OCR (optical character recognition) engine. The biggest factor in OCR accuracy is the quality of the page images submitted to the OCR engine.
JRA FirstPage satisfies the image enhancement step of the paper-to-web conversion process. It is well suited for processing collections of business documents.
JRA FirstPage provides you with the ability to manually clean up bitonal TIFF images with blasing speed! Draw a bounding box around an area to be cleaned with using your left-mouse button, and when you release the button, your area will be cleaned. When you are ready to move to the next image, simply click using the right-mouse button. The current image in the folder will be saved and the next one will open.
When you have finished the cleaning, you can run the deskew function again on just those images that have been cleaned. The cleaned images will deskew more accurately now that the marks are removed.
With JRA FirstPage, it is possible to clean hundreds and even thousands of images at one sitting!
JRA FirstPage is an application which permits an operator to "tag" the first page of each document, which then causes a separator file to be created before the first page of each document. Document images are displayed in FirstPage with a high degree of clarity and speed, and the labor to manually tag the first page of each document is a fraction of the labor involved with the use of physical separator sheets. And there is no material cost!
Applications such as PDFPublish 2.0 are able to interpret the separator files created by FirstPage and build appropriate multipage documents using this intelligence. The multipage documents can be created in PDF or multipage TIFF format.
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